Thursday, September 19, 2013

Foggy Mountain Fingers

Oh Aphrodite don't you here me calling, summoning you from my loins, I beg you to sit down upon my hard erect cock and let me burst into you full of love and passion you oh so strongly crave and desire! I want to taste your nipples, as if they were star bursts bursting so flavorously  into my mouth! I want to you to make me beg, but then squeal like a school girl when your flesh meets mine..... damn I get horny sometimes...

I like laying here in my well cleaned room, on my well made bed just typing away every thought that decided to pop into my head. I'm tired of time, that is keeping tack of it. But being on other people's time is important I've learned, or you get fired from a job at your Local Quickstop Gas Station.... whatever at least I'm T.I.P.S. Certified till 2015, meaning I can sell liquor and tobacco to people.

Tonight I had a good time with my friends Glen, Ben, Nicole, and some dude whose name escapes em at the moment, but right now who car.... oh it was Shane. He's a pretty nice guy, enjoyed some Mary out of a titty peace. Ahhh yeah. My cuz is coming over in a little bit for a cig, I'ma suprise him by taking him to maverick and buying him a pack. :) oh good Karma. lol

So I have returned to my home, bat-man robe and boxers only laying here typing again. Cuz seemed happy that I bought him smokes, and I got him a Gatorade too. =) I also baught myself a toothbrush.... damn you teeth, why do I keep forgetting to brush you!! Oh well, in order to create a new habit, just have to keep it up. My mom's doing this weird hysterical laughing thing she does... I kind of like it when she does it, makes me know she's thinking happy thoughts. I love that feeling, the feeling of happiness circulating through you. Oh Joy! Anyway, that is all for now, but remember... he who knows nothing, knows nothing.

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