Sunday, September 8, 2013

Alice Cooper's Ugly Baby

Out of a boredom, depression, confusion, and loneliness a blog was born... This Blog, Matt'z World.

Man has it been a long time since I've posted a blog! I sat here tonight and re-read all of my blogs, mentally analyzed myself, and was happy. I'm pretty funny... my sense of humor is different, but it gets me every time. I think I'm gonna start doing this again, mainly for myself as that is what a blog is, but now I'm not necessarily interested in anyone reading this...(I used to want people to read it!!!) I was kind of embarrassed by some of my posts before, but I shouldn't be. THAT BEING SAID: So much has happened, so much has changed.... all in a good and positive way so that's good.

Highlights? Fucked some guys girlfriend in HIS car, drunken loving sex on my bed, sex at the fair with the fairest of maidens, sex with an older but VERY FLEXIBLE woman, and that's all that my mind is currently choosing to remember.... but point is my goal for most of my blog's was finding love and sex... I found the sex.... and dodged the bullet that is known as love. =)

I don't want love (in the relationship sense) anymore. I love myself, God, and my family. My two amazing children Grace and Blayne with all of my heart and soul. You can keep your "love" I've been so mentally raped and mindfucked with other people's perception of what "love" is.... and I'll be just fine doing my own thing...I will love you though, I just don't want you tarnishing it's beauty for me.

I work at Hansels! :) I like working there... I am a great cook, fast, clean, and overall I enjoy what I do. I can save money, buy the things I want, give money away to people in need, whatever and I do all of those things on a daily basis. Blaine Willis is my best friend, and [Moon/Sun] is my crush... I like her a lot... she's so beautiful and has a daughter. She works at Hansel's too... she is probably the only girl at this juncture in my life that could make me abandon my abandoment of other's love... I make no sense sometimes... and I've known her forever too lol that's a plus. Mostly I think it's just because I find her so fascinating... but she never texts me back... so like I said, you can keep your "love" I don't need it.... just bogs my mind down with whiny bitch feelings of loneliness and emptiness.

Oh and I stopped taking my meds. Fuck that shit. Pay out the ass for a a poison that is killing me, and making me wish daily and nightly that I was dead... naaa. I love life now, I maintain a pretty awesome scale of happiness, and am rarely Sad, Angry, or Lonely. I've learned how to be happy with me, with the simple things in life, and not to care so much what anyone thinks of me. It's MY mind I have to live with, I prefer this one that enjoys living.

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