Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Blue Jeans Black Man

Today was an un-inspired day, like the day before and the day before that. I've found no real excitement lately, and I've grown oh so bored. I want the parties, and the booze, the sex and the drugs, the fun. I wish I could be famous, more so than I am now. I need to motivate myself to start making videos again. I got the camera, just need to find the motivation. I recently started working out with my mother, and writing poetry in a book. I plan on filling it up, and it will be my own therapy, and my own poetry book. It's just another thing to tag on to my busy schedule of things I do daily. Dogs with their wieners hanging out on facebook, I think I prefer the blog here. I have all of these random thoughts and ideas but I don't go anywhere with a lot of them. Oh well, one mans mind trash is another man's treasure I suppose. I'm growing tired and should probably get some sleep, but my mind won't allow me to choose that option. It says no Matthew, you have much more important stuff to take care of. I personally don't care. Okay I care a little, but what else can you do but care a little. I wonder what the fuck I'm even talking about when I write these blogs, just nonsensical gibberish to my eyes, but it can't be because I'm writing it down in English. I like having a computer and a keyboard I can just type as fast as my head can produce a thought. That's what's unique and special about me. What is? That is.

Follow the gray swirl, dear friends from below. Nobody knows, or will ever know. Knowing is having and having is great, but it won't be the best with this bitter twist of fate. That was poetry, those two lines of nothingness. It makes me happy to make stuff up and continue going on about my day. I can't wait to work at Pizza hut, it will present so many opportunities. I'll get to work with new people everyday and I'll have more of a social life, which is awesome. I can then use the money to take care of whatever fines I have and start paying my child support again. It's like starting over, from the bottom, from square one. I wish I could work at Hansel's again, but I can't because of the courts.

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