Thursday, January 10, 2013

Naked Woman Jesus

Today is a new day, and so far I wake up refreshed, and ready to go. I don't really want to go to my therapy appointment, but I have to. I have no money, or SSI so I guess I'll just go, and hope for the best. It all worked out in the end, as it does, and has been for me. I know I'm especially gifted and loved by God, because he's got my back whenever things look grim.Today came and went faster than I would have liked it to, not a whole lot happened. I talked to a few friends via facebook, talked to my therapist, ate some Dominoes Parmesan bites, and played video games with Tim. We played this game called Borderlands it's an rpg/shooter game and it's not bad, but I prefer Skyrim Better. I started playing that today too, created a female character who only uses her hands to fight, it's pretty funny. I feel bad for my lack of thought process today, my lack of ideas for this post, but I just don't know what to say. I guess sometimes when you have nothing to say, it's best to just say nothing and wait for the opportune moment to speak your mind. I think, (therefore I am) that's what I'm going to do, goodnight blog.

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