Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Outlook Not So Good

January 2nd 2013

The New year came and went, and It was a wonderful time spent boozing with friends and tap-dancing with Gaia, mother earth. Being hung over sucks, but it's alright I mostly just slept my day away. I've been thinking a lot about God recently and how he has been guiding me on an amazing path. Each day is filled with new encounters and I'm progressively getting more and more comfortable in my own skin. I am Matthew Jessen, I can be everything I want, and things will go well for me. After waking up today my entire body was sore...... I hate sleeping wrong. On facebook I'm attempting a feet of 1,000 comments which maybe impossible but I worked it out. I spent the day with my Cousin Erik and my brother Tim. I have a mental health appointment tomorrow, and I'm excited. I'm back and with just a few minutes left, I must end on a note of constant sorrow. Not really gaia has molested me with her weed essence, and I must rest my sleepy eyes soon. You can be anything you want to be Matthew Jessen, stop tying to give up on yourself so early. Things are good, treatment worked, take things as they go. Just go with the flow, god works in mysterious ways and when you figure out how much life is real and not real at the same time, we are all machines, puppets, mules gods tucked aways in this mortal flesh that has to endure emotions.

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