Sunday, December 30, 2012

Happy Milk Daddies

December 29th 2012

Today, like the natives before me I went and I hunted small game like bunnies and pheasants. It was exciting and scary for me, but fun nonetheless. I got to shoot a .22 and a shotgun and I got to get high before and after which is always a plus. Milk daddies play the fool, of the nonchalant beggar, desolating the moon with worship to the glorious magnificent son. I took a nap but woke up deleterious, but my inner child is always deleterious, and always present. Auto correct created the last sentence for me, I did not. I hear an Irish music of sorts blaring in my ear, triumphant sounding good music. I want to be a penguin warrior one day. The falcon falls short of a victory, but the mice have yet to win the war, for the falcon is native and hungry, and will get his prey. I'm getting bored waiting on Hippy and Guinard, but soon they will be here, and soon I will be happy. :)

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