Saturday, December 29, 2012

Sepia Girls Moon Together

December 28th 2012

Today starts out with a groggy epidermis in the throat. Just kidding, but it's the day I finally get to meet up with a therapist. I want a female, but it's going to be a male named Brandon. I don't really know what to expect, but I still have to call and find out what time it's at. My cat Cleopatra Moonwalker wanted out, but I was too lazy to get up and do it. I think Tim made coffee so I'm excited to have a cup when It's done. I also need to bath in the oceanic waves of Powell's turbulence. Then I'll be sexy and ready to do anything. Well I always am sexy, just not always ready to do anything. Red December, blue December, red December, purple. I hear the coffee pot going drrrr drrrr so I know it's almsot done, and my soul almost escaped my body two times!! Nobody ever blesses me when I sneeze, that's not very nice in the eyes of God I hear. I just got an erection thinking about making love to a pregnant woman, but I can't be thinking those thoughts, the baby isn't mine and this woman seems to like me a lot. This other angel Leviticus is gorgeous but she has yet to message me back, I kind of think she's a fake profile. Oh well, even if she is she is beautiful. If it's persephone up to her trickery, she needs to know that it just won't work, our season has passed, I'm ready for infinity and beyond. 

Don't ask human, don't ask. I'm a being from another planet, that is the being that is me is from another planet. My soul is especially special to be here, in this life, and I don't always do the best for my potential. I need to find a way to balance my charades and reach that delicious pot of golden coin chocolates at the end of the purple magnesium rainbow. Listening to music on you tube, while Leviticus and I exchange introductions. Smiley face. Today is such a beautiful day I'm waiting until Leviticus goes offline, then I'm going to shower. Showering is good.

 I wonder if people love the darkside of my moon, or just the good side, or if they love me entirely for who I am, what I am, how I am, etc. I guess I could ask, but I'm not really that curious. If I said my penis was pounding hard, if I could eat a chocolate ice-cream bar, would you give it to now? I'm pretty sure I have to deficate, fornicate, and urinate all at the same time. I want to be free, free from all of these lovely ladies attentions. Not really. I want my own bat-suit, that would be awesome. One day I will have one, that will be amazing. "That's expensive ass flooring." said my mother with a conversation completely taken out of context. Life is all about waiting, waiting, waiting till something awesome happens. I want a parakeet, that's blue, red, and purple, god please help me. 

Blue, Blue, black yellow red! What do I want to do? I wonder. Love is like a flame, it burns you when it's hot. Thank you Nazareth. Public enemy is ground breaking, they are like the first rappers to be militant. I love smoking cigarettes, they make me happy. Deja Vu Matrix style. Watching a top 100 countdown  of the best artists of all time.I bet Michael Jackson gets number 1. I am really coming into my own lately, growing this self confidence that I never before remember having. I'm trying hard to maintain the balance though, I dont want my confidence to go down Cocky street.I'm wondering what to do again.... I guess I'm going hunting in the morning, that's exciting. I've never been hunting so it should be way fun. Or it could be walking around in the cold for hours and being disappointed by why I find, which could be nothing. Life's too short to try and be normal. 

I'm watching the Doors movie, and it's quite inspirational. I'm seeing a lot of myself in Jim Morrison, that is being creative and writing music.

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