Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Makes you feel wanted

~*~{December 21st 2012}~*~

    I had a wonderful day today so far with Chaysus and 

my brother Timothy. We went to walmart 
 what a blast. I always enjoy the conversations when

I'm high, they are the deepest and most therapeutic."Be

happy, the alternative sucks." Chay said at one point. How

true that is. The alternative does suck, I hate being sad

and life is too short to feel that way. I've let dumb 

bitches and cunts say fucked up things to me and treat me

like shit and I never deserved that. I am a wonderful strong

human being and I can make it through anything that gets in

my way. I am Matthew Jessen the future king of the free-

world. Weed will be legalized, hell, all natural god given

drugs while I'm at it. I know I have a great destiny and am

going to be a wonderful human being someday. Right now I

just have to train my mind, and my body and take this

amazing gift ass it goes. I enjoy the many beautiful women I

flirt with and maybe one day I will find a mate, but for now

its nice getting the milk from the cow for free LMAO.Moms

making dinner, and I can't wait to try some. Then I'm

probably going to go see my cousin Darth Vader. Knock knock

knock knock there goes the door. It's Kendor the Barbarian,

she is bringing a Christmas gift of some kind its wonderful.

"Sandwiches" she said so maybe we got food! I hate being

poor, but I love eating sandwiches. ^_^ I hope to work for

Cousin Vader and make some money doing that, while I go back

to school for my bachelors. Gonna go to Darth Vaders house,

I'm bored.

    Back from my cousins house and bored out of my

skull. I guess you cant really get bored of your skull

though, so what does that mean exactly? I would figure it

out if I gave a shit. "He's filming his toes and puppets."

My mother said. I say nothing just type and she asks me

questions about Tarpes baby. "Is she in school yet" "Are any

of us in school?" I reply obviously not paying attention to

anything else but her asking me about school. This whole

journal-ing my brain thing is going to be hilarious to look

back on, I might masturbate when I read my words and say "Oh

god that's so Matt." I look forward to to this day...

    Back again from another brain destruction. Adam and

his wife came to visit me, it was swell it seems I am

popular today because now billboard came to worship me as

well. Okay maybe not worship he's actually just hanging with

Tim, my ego inflated and I began an airship of absolute

gravity. I'm pretty sure that nobody's mind works like mine,

yet everyone thinks exactly as I do...ponder that for a

moment while I drag my cigarettes my future eye opened best

friends and family. I'm gonna call this book something about

Matt'z world. Boring are the thoughts of Llamas from my mind,

who dare ever read my words be instantly stricken with aids,

and have to fight for air as their gastro intestinal track

fills with mayonnaise of the undesired one's soul. Wow, I'm

so retarded sometimes, shit gets deep....deep purple....

purple mountain majesty. Le sigh, I am as bored as a turnip

waiting to find its Pokemon life-mate odd-ish. My mother and

I discuss the Big Bang theory, not the theory the hilarious

t.v. show with Sheldon. It's cytoplasmic, and orgasmic ally

hilarious. Typing, Typing, the misfits find their holograms

in their stockings... welcome to the grand illusion bitches.

    Bed time draws near and this first day of days draws

to an interesting close. Persephone called me today, she was

horny she told me, and that she still loves me. Me? I wanna

know what love is, I've been so battered and broken bye

women I'm a Jack Dawson, who has never found a pure Rose to

die for in the cold icy Titanic waters....alas... oh well,

number one rule of life "Bitches Be Crazy." Time to talk to

Aquarius and ask her how her new age is going, I'm pretty

jacked about it myself. Ahh the beautiful  sunflower

girl of my dreams decided to post nice things about me on

Facebook, and this has made me happy. Life is all about

living to be happy for me anymore, why waste any minute of

any day ever feeling sad or scared again. Useless emotions I

believe, I've evolved beyond those into SUPER MATT. The

extended screenplay comes soon. Not really. Well the click

on the dial is saying its 11:46 P.M. meaning this days worth

of gibberish is almost over. I should really go to bed....

in fact if labia a tron gets my penis off, aka internet

porn, then I suppose I can cancel this months addition of

Matt'z Horny Magazine and rest my head peacefully on my

pink zebra cloud pillow. Goodnight!

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