Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Licking Pandora's Box

~*~{December 22nd 2012}~*~

    Woke up this morning to watch 6:59 A.M. kiss itself

and turn into a baby 7. My eyes are blurry and I'm a little

disoriented, wheres my morning cigarette... oh wait first I

must piss out last nights beverage but problem....I have an

erection. Oh well, piss through and clean up the mess later.

I'm walking on piss shine, woooaaa. That was a song. Nothing

too interesting to report yet, but my reporters and spider

Matt senses will get back to you in a minute. Today at

around 9 A.M. they are giving away free shit for poor people

at the old high school Gym and I may go take a look at all

the possible things they have. What a nice community we live

in under the gorgeous Mountains. Powell Truly is gorgeous

when you're driving to it from Cody. I can't imagine a

better place to live, maybe go off and visit foreign lands

but home will always be here in my heart and in my soul. I

said soul, and received a boner. I'm fucking horny, I need

to get me a girl to rub her sexy pussy down my fantastic


    I got free stuff from the old highschool and it was

wonderful. I now have a garfield head pillow and and a

globe, and a wonderful cofee cup haha I am feeling the

happiest I have ever felt in a long time today. I guess I'm

just at peace with myself and my existence. I believe I am

of alien genetics, and we all are. Sun is my god, and the

moon his creation, the planet his creation. I want a Subaru

when I can afford my own car. Diabetic coma, mouth

overloading, shrimp cocktail! I'm not sure what that was

about, I'm not even enjoying a shrimp cocktail.... or am I?

You will never know unless I report it here, the human brain

has a bad time remembering things... think about it, all

that little shit we think about during the day, do we ever

remember that hours, minutes, days later? Hell no, why would

we. Thatch why journalism this is so fantastic, at the end of

the month my minds third eye will be exposed to me and I

will reach Mega-zord status.

~*~{December 23rd 2012}~*~

Fighting Sleep to try and get noticed in the Garden of Eden,

aka a new internet forum that I connected to with Facebook.

This is my change to Blog and get everything I want to say

out and online loll Anyways, it is 3:29 A.M. and I am going

to try and sleep...emphasis on the word try.

Awake from a deep sleep, the Taurus King rejoices for the

new age of Aquarius. I'm pretty happy this morning, I can't

remember my dream, but that's been me lately, though I fear

not because I am living my dreams daily and nightly and over

sideways and rightly. I'm a new Man, and already I've noticed

the grand attention from my family and peers. It's

wonderful, I feel loved, truly loved for the first time

since childhood, and ironically I feel as youthful as a

child as well.

What to do today? I just showered, cleaned myself up,

brushed my teeth, and the world is my oyster. I'm excited to

see what adventures will come my way. I'm bored at the

moment, but life is never dull if you know what to do ^_^ I

may go out and just walk, walking is always fun. You have to

be 35 to be president of the united states, so today I start

my campaign lol

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