Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Purple Cat's Vertical Smile

December 26th, 2012

It is exactly 13 minutes passed Christmas, and the Elves are taking their shoes off and celebrating the arrival of the 26th. I sit here and ponder what to do, but then again I always do the same thing anyway, so what does it matter? I find myself bored a lot lately, I'm not sure why. Someone once said that  if your bored, you're a boring person. Typically I agree with this sentiment, but right now with the cold weather and the vagina monsters outside I can't really do much. I'm missing the connection of a man and a woman so much lately, Persephone always had such sweet hands, but she's gone and I feel good about that fact, but when you're bored you reminisce, and when you reminisce you get those feelings that don't make you feel like your true potential. Oh well, one day I will have a NEW spring, and my cock will get off inside of a vagina. 

I hate when things feel UN-organized it drives me bat shit crazy. Well I already am, but more so when things aren't in their place, for example a young anthropomorphic vagina in a wave of dusty tuna and albatross. Bold and Italic switch places for a day, I call that making love. Why is the color purple so amazing to me? I see it everywhere, and think I FUCKING LOVE THAT COLOR. It's the color of Royalty and as future President it would make sense that I be drawn to that magnificent cocoa puff. I want a cigar. I wonder... what if I was born a woman, would I still have a penis? That makes no sense, but if you're anything like me that sentence made you laugh.

Awoken from a slumber of eternal blasphemy, the amethyst warrior fights again. I wonder what it means to be enlightened, I consider that when I'm stoned that's enlightenment. Or maybe we will have powers and never have to shit again, that would be cool. I'm gonna quit shitting cold turkey. Today is an unwritten book, I look forward to experiencing something other than journaling my day!! I want a dog, they are loyal and awesome. I would name him Mufasa because Mufasa represents the circle of life. I'm so excited about my new comedy group World class Comedy. It's going to launch Sexyttam to new heights.  "Love is an Angel  disguised as lust, here in our bedroom until the morning comes." I love music, it's like extacy to my pallet that is used to consuming fecal Matter. What is heaven like? I bet it's a place where there is no hate, and love only truly exists. We can have that here, just have to convince a lot of people.

My Mother says I smoke too many cigarettes, I disagree. I don't smoke enough. Smoking is cool, it's an ancient Native American tradition that dates back to the peace turn that down, you upset the native people. I'm feeling noble and kingly today, I thank my pleadian angels for that. They guide and help me through life with the help of god and Jesus and Buddha. Bitches be crazy, but I love them!! I just made a collage video of compiled footage from old videos, some that nobody has ever seen before, so I'm excited to see what people think. It's pretty funny I think, its a nice transition anyway into my new life, and the new age, new channel, new blog, new v-logs, Aquarius, you're beautiful. I'm so bored, we're listening to music my mother and I as I wait for the new you tube video load. I love my mom, she's a wonderful and strong woman who raised 3 boys while suffering from her mental illness paranoid schizophrenia. I have bi-polar which is nice, I kind of think I have a split personality sometimes, the soft quiet gentle feminine Matt, and the rough loud rude masculine Matt. I like both, but I keep them separate in my head, I often wonder what the world thinks about me.

I'm getting ancy, I get that way when I go without Genesis 1:29. I like to call it lusting Earth, or fucking Mary Jane. I get a good enough fix off of a cigarette too though. :) I met an interestingly beautiful woman on facebook who is with child and likes me... moral lemonade, do I go for it, or not? Idk life is too short to worry about silly little things like that. I wonder ultimately how many people are going to read my blog. It's going to be fascinating to some I'm sure of it. Although at the same time it might weird people out, but I like doing that too. I guess I've always been a weird individual but people love it anyway. I love having a blog, a laptop, my mom, my brother, everyone. It's wonderful. I will never take for granted... I've said that before I'm sure, but I really mean it. I talked to Persephone on the phone for a bit, she was watching star wars and learning the force. I kind of feel like my whole life I have been too feminine, but I love women so much. It's like being a straight gay man, and I don't like feeling like that. I want to be the straight masculine man hero. I can do it. :)

Gonna watch some porn and then masturbate to it. I wonder which video will be the nut, only time will tell. Blowjob porn, that's the answer. Well, midnight is approaching fast, I'm getting tired, so I think this concludes the 26th. Come back tomorrow for the 28th minus one.

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