Friday, December 28, 2012

Heaven Black Bra

December 27th 2012

Today is a new day, a fresh start and good things are coming my way. I get to see my best friend in the whole world Meredith Asay, and then my daughter Grace Kay is coming over to spend the day with me. I haven't been this excited or happy in a while, though I am happy and excited most days lately so that above statement was a lie. I like to eat sausage. Talking to Andromeda is fun, she excites me lol I'm gonna ask her what her astrological sign is, I'm curious. I'm flirting with this amazingly beautiful girl name Pelican, she gets my motor turning, but she is probably half my age, aka she's a high school girl and I have no idea how old she really is. I absolutely adore and love my best friend Meredith Asay, I wish she wasn't with someone, that would be nice.... not that she would go for me, I would like it if she liked me the same way haha.... we kissed once, I've never forgotten how wonderful that was, it was our first and only.... tis a shame really. Turkey dinner was delicious, well turkey lunch really, I like fucking things. But I really want a soul mate, a girl just like me, wild, fun, but faithful and loving...aka Meredith. Oh well, I thought Ashtin and I would be forever and now we're never again. Life is silly that way sometimes.

My stomach hurts, I just ate some turkey maybe that's it. I got to hang out with Trish today it was fun and such a relief to get out of the house. I hate being in the same place all day doing the same thing over and over having nothing better to do than sit on my laptop doing nothing. That suck's but in all actuality it's pretty awesome. Without my time wasted this blog wouldn't exist, and I would literally have nothing to do. Ask and you shall receive! I earlier today I was asking for a soulmate, and thhad a friend request from and extremely beautiful girl. She deleted her facebook recently to start over, so I know we're on the same wave-length about a fresh start, and a new beginning. But we'll see how that goes, there is so much opportunity in life to find the proper mate, I'm just looking forward to getting the milk for free from women lately, I'm not one to commit to anything.

Who, what, where, when, why, how, Questions, and Answers. Good Questions to ask when you're meeting somebody for the first time. Well not Questions and Answers. I'm about to head out to visit my cousin Vader and Tim, I'm excited to do so. Will return later, and probably eat a delicious turkey sandwich. Until then, I want it to be known that I am extremely horny, and when I do see Persephone again, I will fuck her like she's never been fucked before. And then we will just hang out, because I refuse to get back together.  Back for a brief stint, then off to see my aunt Bobby with my cousin Drea. Gaia will be loved and enjoyed. :) Forrest on fire, red moon in the distance screams for the wildlife about to turn sadly to ash. 

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