Monday, January 7, 2013

Red eyed, purple Raven

I realized just today that somebody is reading my posts! :) I didn't think it was happening, but all of a sudden I noticed each of my blogs was getting a plus one vote. Well not all of them, but some of them. Then I realized somebody I know takes the time to read this everyday, and you're my true best friend whoever you are. Anyway today I went to my friend Chays house and watched the football game Baltimore Ravens vs it doesn't even matter because the Ravens destroyed them. I had a good time, licked Gaia, now feeling drowsy and good. I'm always two steps behind, one step forward. Well not always, but that's how my mind feels today. Which is better, because yesterday was low feeling day. I'm thinking its cause the sun was out more and could charge me. I feel stinky today, I need to take a shower, I hate feeling like the stinky one, but today I did, and maybe it was in my head, I don't know but after getting so high that paranoia creep-ed in. There was a dude outside on a 4-wheeler driving around showing off, but I wasn't interested. I ate a bar that tastes good today and had a rootbear. I feel fresh and clean, as my mother Did the wash, and I took a shower. How wonderful it feels to be fresh again. All I need now, is dirty sex, that filth I dream about.

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