Saturday, January 5, 2013

Persephone Flowers

I hate the court system, I hate it. I wish I didn't have to go to court, I wish it was all over with. What happened was stupid, I can control my alcohol, and the night I was getting hit by a woman I defended myself and got her off of me. I shouldn't be on bond, I shouldn't be continually punished for what I've done, anyone else would have done the same thing! I'm ready to just be over and done with everything and life will be better. I'm tired of waiting for what I'm going to get. Oh well, I'm over it, just one more thing to stress myself out with, and I don't need anymore stress. I have to figure out what I'm going to do about finding a job and money, but everything I need is still unpacked at Ashtin's house and Idk.... rant over. I am the king of the free world one day, I will use this power to bring peace and chaos, both things are fair. What is a moment, but an eternity.

I've spend the day doused in conspiracy theory with Trish. It's been pretty awesome, I just wish we could know the truth and not be surrounded in mystery. That sucks, maybe one day they will appear on the news, and tell us all what's happening. I know I'm a descendant of Aliens, the pleadians and they have guided me to where I need to be in my life. At least that is one of my created dellusions that I have manifested due to being a Taurus. Overly encompassing boredom has got the best of me, deteriorating my soul and my happiness. I just want to find a girl, kiss her, and make love to her. I think until I have reached this goal, I will not be happy. But then again, maybe this is just like chasing a high that will never come. Who really knows, I put my life in God's hands and thank him daily for the opportunity to be here, experiencing this shit. And like that, friend after friend wants to hang out. I knew my long journey of hanging on my computer not doing anything would pay off.

A gorgeous purple beach for me to enjoy freely, in my kingdom of heaven that is laid out for me. I know that I am worth all the love and care in the world, and it is my mission objective to get ahold of that. I know some things are definitely worth the wait. I'm going to hang out with Amanda now, Tyler Shick Eventually, and Cloud later to do Tarot readings. I believe in Lust at first sight, not love but lust. Nobody can truly love another person until they have spent time with that person and learned what that person is like. Now you can lust and want to fuck a dream girl the moment you see her face for the first time. These two feelings, should not get confused. I liked the car-ride I went on with Amanda it was nice to drive around, even if we did nothing but talk and cruise. She is bi-polar like myself which is for some odd reason an instant attraction to me. We've both had fucked up pasts, but we talked much of our future's and how things are.

I am a horny, attractive, young Male who needs to get his cock wet in a woman's pussy now!! Okay maybe that was a bit much, but damn the above girl looks hot. That's what I need. A gorgeous young blonde girl with big breasts, a tight pussy, who is always down to fuck, and smokes weed like a champion. If ever I have wanted such a girl, now I need her more. The law of attraction is a powerful and beautiful. We attract the likeness of our self, so it's good to wish for dream ladies. I know that one day I'm going to look back at these ramblings I call life journals, and will have had what's in the picture above, and when that day happens, I'm going to smile and laugh at how sad and pathetic I feel right now that I don't have one.

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