Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Gorgeous Forgotten Problems

I am at peace finally, or at least I do believe I am. I have had so many great things happen to me as of late, and I know that the source is my almighty creator. I've been on a kick for months, where I have been working to improve my quality of life simply by cutting out the things I considered to be stressful, and replacing them with things that make me happy. When I start to feel lonely, I remember there is always music, or a video game, or someone out there who is feeling the same way I am. It's a silly feeling really,  how many people live on this planet, how dare any of us say we feel lonely!

Meeting Sophia was a mind trip, but Sophia, wherever you are thank you.... for showing me that I'm not crazy, and that this world truly is a wonderful place to be, (IF you know the right people, and are generally a good person). You are BEAUTIFUL and I would gladly do what it takes to make you feel loved and appreciated from my end...though I could never date you. ha. Good thing you"re getting married anyways. =) Also you smoke a lot of pot, that is always a plus!

What do I want? I want all beings to be released from suffering, because honestly that's what we need. Not everyone can escape their suffering like I did.... it takes a strong mind to overcome the fuckin darkness that can consume a person... Anyways, I'm tired. Goodnight. =)

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