Saturday, September 21, 2013

Super Batman God are like THIS.

There is a warrant out for my arrest.... lmao I don't give a fuck. Fuck you Powell Police. :D Anyway today was a good day, but most days are. I'm listening to pitch perfect right now, which was a recommendation from my buddy Glen. It's alright, but these guys are singing a Rhianna song and idk if they did it better or not... probably not. I'm excited for the meeting at work on Monday!... Well that is if I get to go... I believe God is with me, and won't lead me into too much trouble. Plus sometimes a little trouble is good for you. =) Had it not been for jail the first time, I would not have picked up the bible and learned about the man himself Jesus of Nazareth.

Hmmmm the More I listen to this Pitch Perfect, the more addicting it gets!! It's like Music for the ADHD. Example. "Cause I may be bad but I'm perfectly good at it... sex baby lets talk about sex, lets talk about sex baby....all through the night I'll make love to you, like you want me too... and I guess that's just the woman in you, that brings out the man in feels like the first time, it feels like the very first time...etc." Anyway.... I'm so happy, I've been buying my friends and family Christmas presents, and spending my money because I believe it is the root of all evil. I'm horny.

I love to laugh, and lately that's all I do. I was recently invited to be part of a Facebook group called Dolun'z Raep Group and I was given the character Laenerdo Dcrapio. I love these memes, I even made my own that was pretty funny. It's fun to type in "Broken English" but also really difficult, because it's like a whole new language...and it's not nearly as easy as people think it is to master... but why do I waste my time on it? idk... it makes me laugh and It cures my boredom. 

 Well, who knows what tomorrow brings, but I honestly don't care, because with my luck it should be fantastic and full of laughs. As a wise cartoon animal once said, "Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, and today is a gift... that is why it's called the present." Y u do dis? Because I can. <3

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