Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Romania Me.

A blank stage, crowds missing, and lonely stands a man daring to fit in. In the Darkness you can only dream of light, how painful it might feel if it were turned on. Stare directly into the Sun, stare until you've won. Be regal, but united, never divided. I met an Angel last Night by the name of Nico. She is from Romania, a country I know not of, but when she speaks, her Chocolate eyes, words cannot describe. King Matthew Jessen has been Born into the Matrix.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Lucky Duck; Warrior of Emense Freedom.

In the beginning there was only Black, nothing existed, the absence of Creation. Then Breath happened, and out from where nothing ached, a Bright shiny little light did shine, and her name was Halo, Aphrodite the blonde. She wears on a man's soul, rips tears eats him alive, that's blasphemy, tyranny but we don't scribe, I write these lyrics as it spins threw you, the button Man. What does this mean? It's gibberish now, a different kind of communication of the collective conscience. I feel you pressing through to me to paper, typed on a keyboard lost is the way of handwritten man, he is I, I am he. I am the Ninja for the cross. The white demon. The Emerald King. We here that a lot from you Matthew K.C. Jessen, why do you promote yourself using so many I's? There ware we's she's he's theirs, ours us's etc. You get the point? I do.

I have envy in my heart, I have Empathy I fucked Serenity. I pas through my knowlege because it is important for me to dictate my words, I am soldier, of Peace. I wonder why my word is important, but then they start telling me it is to be written, they the two forces splitting my my mind, that's the physical, where am I? I'm a lost Prohet.

Pokemon Tales:

Ares is my buddy he's the new Charmander I have added to my team.

My next Great Pokemon is Poseidon. He's the team Leader and has been appointed this position for a reason. Introducing the Newly Evolved Fragorok, Poseidon!

My next champion chirp is Eden the baby god of winds.

My next member of team Love would be the Daring Ashes.

Last but not least, my little buttercup Serenity, the Flower fairy Pokemon.

So far my team is located around level 15, keeping the levels Equal and training passionately. As a team me and my Pokemon will catch and defeat them all, we will be the Very best,like no one was before. I should give my team a name. That is all for now from the world of Pokemon.

There once was a man of fire, who walked through the valley of the shadow of death, and lit up the skies as if they were fireworks. That man, was Matthew Jessen. "I would run right through hell and back, if you'd be my girl." he proclaimed to the Angel of the Stars Bella. If only I could find my way, I would no longer be lost. But that's just it, I am not lost, for I have been found in your eyes. You are the reason for my purity, you are the one that blocks out my heart from sadness. You are my Yin, I am your Yang, you cannot pull us apart Destiny. I love all my children, of whom physically are two, and astrologically many.

 I don't belong here, but where then do I belong father? I am a sinner yest, cast out demons yes, but miracles I have yet to perform. I want, I desire, I crave, but I don't know what it is I need. I need not another sign, just some more love from your hefty cup. I am the RAVEN, quote me nevermore, oh no, did I just Edgar Allen Poe. I love you Matthew the angel speaks through me, I love you until the ends of the earth. In response I say, I love you too oh Mother of Purity, you have shown me Mary and she was a glorious women indeed. I wonder why I write, but then I bitch slap myself out of toxicity. I am Matt mother fucking Jessen, gonna lay the smack down on the biblical crowd. 

My Knight my king, doth though cherish everything. That is the Goal is it not, to love and to cherish the things that we've got? Power and lights, lightning and fire, heavens desire , oh no no that place, I'm a Paladin for Christs Sake. Education is power and that's just the name, come over here spitting that's the name of the Game.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Blood Robe, Red Moon.

A Royal with cheese is what they call a quarter pounder with Cheese in France, because of the metric system. I learned that from Pulp Fiction. I don't eat oranges, I eat Purples, and I like my Pulp in my in Purples. I represent Heaven and Hell, I'm under a spell. I am Sith, and Jedi. I am the one. I am incredible and I can do amazing things. I can Rule, and be as Royalty if only not but Scene in my head that won't, nay, shouldn't go away. I remember that the heart wants what the heart wants, and it is true for me in that I want to express me. I love myself. I am Godly. I am otherworldly. I am a TYRANT and I am a Bull. Don't misteak my humility for fault. I am Strong. I am LEGEND. I am, and one day will be, Myth.

Oh Christ my King, to the Angels sing, praise Jesus of Nazareth the true King of Kings. God in the flesh, gave us his best, cured rotting flesh, cured the sick, rose the dead. Thank you Jesus Christ, my Amethyst of light, for showing me the direction, teaching me what's right. I live for you King, you died for me, a true brother, FATHER, holy spirit and holy ghost, you are the Ruler of Heaven above and Gaia below. You are my hero, you are the inspiration. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

I learned everything I needed to know about life in Kindergarten, the Golden Rule. Our Lord taught the same thing, [Matthew 7:12] "So Whatever  you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the law of the prophets." That's a quote from Jesus himself, I read the bible, I work on learning the holy book. I am a Lamb, with devils horns and demon wings. I am the Black sheep, with Crimson wings, I am only human. I have learned to go with the flow, it's a much more rewarding life experience.

Don't Choke me Hercules, you squeeze to please, the force with your power, but your wife, the one you murdered was as delicate as flower. I see things, and hear things, and feeling things that I wonder if others experience. Are we getting there? Is telepathy happening right now, in our time. I believe in it, I've seen and felt it. People pass information to me constantly. Soon, we will have full conversations sitting in rooms with all of our friends, and nobody will be moving their mouths. It's an intense feeling, being at the dawn of this period. WE are the babies of a ner Era.

X and Y,  Y and X my twin desires, fate and destiny's infant. Despise the Reptile, for it is with sin, but how can I when the apple tastes so sweet dear Serenity. I don't know what else to think, but to let it go and hope the charges come back. The only God is KNOWLEDGE, and the only Lucifer is IGNORANCE. That is why they say Ignorance is Bliss. Sex with Lucifer, in the form of an Angel of Lust, is magnificent, raw, raunchy, unclean sin. Sex with God is making love, it is unconditional and pure and clean and De-virgin-ising when both Male and Female are losing their Virginity simultaneously, the 69, the Yin Yang. Oh my bi-polar how you split my heart in two.

Athena, my Goddess of Defense, the Shield, brave my inner darkness and lay with me. Aphrodite, don't be Jealous you are my May, my Evergreen, my Emerald, but right now I need the Blue, the White, the holy that is your sister, I need you Persephone I am Hades your GOD. How many apocalypse must there be, before all is destroyed? The Immortal words of Matthew Jessen, I don't give a fuck, you're not worth a buck in my presence bitch. Go out, kill yourself and let me drink the Blood from your wounds, I'm a sick fucking twisted Vampire and you love it. I am in love with December, that Harlot! My whore, my baby, my brunette.

I'm immature, I'm a new Testament Rabi, call me a Prophet and I'll be your guy. All I can say at this point is Goodnight, and New Moon.

Purple Flowers, Purple Crayon.

The Following is some Creative Writing Fun, prompted from the book "Every Day Writing" by Laurie Rozakis, PH.D.

Lucy felt sick to her stomach, an odd eery feeling like she had just seen a Ghost. Mark approached her lovingly as a husband would, but she turned from him and put her hand to her mouth.
"I think I'm gonna be sick." she said as she headed down the hall to the bathroom. 
"Baby you just witnessed a miracle, what's wrong?" marked asked confused. She didn't answer him as she slammed the bathroom door shut. Mark didn't know what to do, he had just seen a mountain appear outside of his window, a mountain that was not there before. Things were changing like a bad LSD trip, and he couldn't explain it other than calling it God's miraculous revenge. Suddenly there was a large cry out from the bathroom, "I'm bleeding!!" Lucy Screamed. Mark horrified ran down the hallway and opened the door to the bathroom.

"Where are you bleeding!?" Mark asked. 
"My Vagina, I'm gushing Mark, this can't be happening.

Lucy was five months pregnant with Mark's child, and she was having an abrupt ion. Clearly God had to be punishing, the two for something. THE END.

So now what to write about? Tonight there is Karaoke at hansel's so perhaps I will go and do that. Before that though, I'm gonna hang out with my cousin Erik, the Ewok. I love my family and friends, I can honestly say that this Demon Vampire is especially blessed for some reason. What is life, but a nugget of Gold found in a pile of Silver? What is existence but a pinwheel of delusional outbreaks? I love Def Leppard, I'm jamming out to them at the moment, thinking and writing. Writing in my book is slow moving the last couple of days, but I'm trying to make it perfect, and not use useless writing like this online blog is. My online blog is for me to practice, and my Manifesto is to be perfect, sure of some errors and dramatically nonsense that I will fix up later.
I'M A WRITER! I'M A POET, AND I KNOW IT, I AM MATTHEW JESSEN. Self Fulfilled prophecy. Lovey angels of the Pleadies, suck me, FUCK ME, tease me, please me, I am your every desire, as you are my flame and my fire. I will be with you forever my loves. Life is what you make it my darlings, and I make myself your dream, to inspire a purpose, that is LOVE CONQUERS all. 

Prince, oh Prince, rejoice he is a King! A Charizard at level 50 who snapped awake one day and found himself to be a Charmander again. Enlightenment is a new birth, again here on Earth. It is the second coming of ones self, it is I. I am the Lion King, following in the Steps of Simba, I am Kovu in love with an Imaginary Kiara. I am the light in the darkness, and the Dark within the light. I am a warrior for Peace, Justice, and Love. I also believe in Anarchy. Split down the middle, one Bi-polar mother fucker, who would never fuck his mother that's just gross.

I don't expect the unexpected, but when I do it's usually expected. That's nonsensical. A lot of my writing is, I've found... I guess that just means my mind is nonsensical. I watched a virgin deflower herself with a dildo, it turned me off, but was interesting to see. I have only ever deflowered one Virgin and I too was a  virgin when it happened. I love you Angels of my life, there are far too many of you wonderful blessings to count. I love how you make me feel, and help me breath, make life go smoother, guide me to and from, from A-Z you show me passion, and fury. You love me like you love an unborn child in your womb. I can't express enough Gratitude for you, and what you are for me. My love for you is Eternal, "Remember after the fire, after all the rain, I will be the Flame, I will be the flame." -Cheap Trick.

I will never be perfect, but I can aim high and hope that I'm going somewhere. I am intoxicated while writing this, but that doesn't matter. Thank you Jess, an angel of mine for all the wisdom you shared with me tonight. We were both in agreement about the Ying Yang, Good cannot exist without Evil and Evil cannot exist without Good. Life is amazing, never stop learning. It's like my mom says "If you have a brain, use it." and she is a paranoid schizophrenic. I love you Mom. I love you Timothy. I am full of God's love to go around. I must say farewell to this Blog, Goodnight and may Serenity and Grace be upon you.  


Friday, December 20, 2013

Heaven, Nevaeh, Nirvana, Amavirin, Paradise, HOME.

Well I'm here, drunk and blessed by the almighty and drunk. I do whatever I can, and I can do a lot. I havve achied many thigs, but took too much for magic...damn this writing is hard, perheps this will be the shortest glog, haha I meant blog. Goodnight/morning sweet Serenity....

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Twinrova, Hot Chocolate Eyes

Thursday November 19th it is, that means it's my end of the day, brush it away Journal Entry page. I'm going to be, free nobody is the boss of me, I am my OWN GOD, but I serve 1. What are thoughts, but dreams of ones own imagination. I once was lost, but now am found. I feel like I can't express enough the emotions that hide from me, that ones that lie to me, CRYPTIC, the sense of Evil lurking down your back like a large venomous spider.

Girl of my dreams calls fourth, with the similar birthmark we will share after I get this same tattoo on my right arm. Goku's 4 Star ball, one ring to rule them all. I feel like at this moment, this time that there is nothing in the world to write about, but Been without sleep.

I crave you lust, I deserve you, you exist, I will have SEX again. It's all this Demi-God thinks about...well the dark half does, the Child of the Light inside is me. I love.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Today's Promt, Kung Fu Panda

Today I started the handwritten Manifesto, basically my gospel, life as according to me. I have 8 books and I hope to one day read them all from beginning to end, my only problem is I don't have bookmakers. I'm gonna make some creatively with Grace, that sounds like a positive idea. I'M WRITING AGAIN!! That is what one with a degree in creative wtiting should be doing! I'm so proud of myself, things I never would have done had I not gone to jail and felt the cruelty of having your freedoms taken away.

They were high atop the castle looking up at the beast.
It's wings black as Satan's heart flapped in the blazing hot sun.
"I will slay you with this Broad sword you fowl beast!"-Shouted Prince Matthew.
"No, wait the princess screamed, don't hurt my love!"
"What are you talking about woman, he's a dragon."
 "You don't understand Matthew, it's a she, and she was my lover." said Princess Serenity.

I love life, I don't think I can say it enough. Sysco you taught me a lot in Jail, got me very much into the flow of loving Christ our ONE TRUE KING. I have decided to blog everynight for the rest of my life, leaving behind an onlie legacy that will love on for my children one day, perhaps they will learn more about the Man that fathered them, even though he hasn't seen them in little while. I know they are kept safe, my Angel ex;s are great mothers. That's the truth, and tomorrow I will send off child support 500 apice and that's 1000 all the moneys I have but it's what I got to do. It's worth it.

Purple, Pleadians, Practice, P-words, Prior, Proper, Planning, Prevents, Piss. poor, performance.
I'm listing to Katy Perry, she loves me uncondtionally... I wish I had that, a faitful girlfriend who would love me unconditionally. I believe the closest I ever felt to that was my time with Ashtin. We had what I thought was it, love, soul mate, ever-after kind of connection, and we let it die. Reminds me of that song "Let her Go" -Passenger.  Anyway that's that, new randomly piced googled image, followed by more online blogging of thoughts.

The Past is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, and today is a gift, that's why it's called the Present.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Raven Sky Raven Buddha: Eden the Fletchling

So I'm back from Evanston, feeling awesome and inspired. Well sort of, my self esteem seems to be lacking, but maybe it's just from being in a Jail lol All I did was read, eat, and sleep, take meds, got in a routine but that's still kind of hard to break that routine, I'm munching like crazy, freedom taken away does a lot to fuck with your brean, and than factor the possibility of the fact that it's just YOU that are insane, you are bi-polar, and nothing really matters then I guess. So I'm different, but I feel the same, got lot's of faith now in the heavenly father and Jesus Christ who died for our sins, and Buddha whose teachings are everlastingly peaceful and happy.

Peace, Love, and Happiness. These are the three Angels I live for. But as someone in WBI said, "Don't get caught up the names." There are here, and I know of them, guardian Angels, and God, and they have been looking out for me since I was born. At least those are precence I believe I feel I am. Words are hard to express when feeling aware, or awake. like I just clicked on speaker phone of the mind. Waves and experiences, corrections beginnings . Wtf am I talkign about?> Peace, Love, GOD. I love you.

A few blogs back I was expressing tim poorly I would like to take that back, I was battling an Evil within myself and Lashing out on Tim. I was angry probably because I was feeling unloved or betrayed, but that is over now, I know my brother's love is unconditional and truly that family is the number one thing I have in my life. I have two Amazing Brothers Brian and Tim Jessen and a Mother who loves me. I have a father that loves me too. I am a loved human being and I love other human beings. I shouldn't be shy around people, I should be more cheerful and optimistic. I had this thought the other day about living life as on Earth, and is if it were someone Else's Heaven. Some soul out there is praying and dreaming about coming to live hear instead of how we pray and dream about going there.

And now To End this Blog with a Pokemon update.

Poseidon Lvl 11

Ashes lvl 10

Eden lvl 10