Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Raven Sky Raven Buddha: Eden the Fletchling

So I'm back from Evanston, feeling awesome and inspired. Well sort of, my self esteem seems to be lacking, but maybe it's just from being in a Jail lol All I did was read, eat, and sleep, take meds, got in a routine but that's still kind of hard to break that routine, I'm munching like crazy, freedom taken away does a lot to fuck with your brean, and than factor the possibility of the fact that it's just YOU that are insane, you are bi-polar, and nothing really matters then I guess. So I'm different, but I feel the same, got lot's of faith now in the heavenly father and Jesus Christ who died for our sins, and Buddha whose teachings are everlastingly peaceful and happy.

Peace, Love, and Happiness. These are the three Angels I live for. But as someone in WBI said, "Don't get caught up the names." There are here, and I know of them, guardian Angels, and God, and they have been looking out for me since I was born. At least those are precence I believe I feel I am. Words are hard to express when feeling aware, or awake. like I just clicked on speaker phone of the mind. Waves and experiences, corrections beginnings . Wtf am I talkign about?> Peace, Love, GOD. I love you.

A few blogs back I was expressing tim poorly I would like to take that back, I was battling an Evil within myself and Lashing out on Tim. I was angry probably because I was feeling unloved or betrayed, but that is over now, I know my brother's love is unconditional and truly that family is the number one thing I have in my life. I have two Amazing Brothers Brian and Tim Jessen and a Mother who loves me. I have a father that loves me too. I am a loved human being and I love other human beings. I shouldn't be shy around people, I should be more cheerful and optimistic. I had this thought the other day about living life as on Earth, and is if it were someone Else's Heaven. Some soul out there is praying and dreaming about coming to live hear instead of how we pray and dream about going there.

And now To End this Blog with a Pokemon update.

Poseidon Lvl 11

Ashes lvl 10

Eden lvl 10

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