Thursday, December 19, 2013

Twinrova, Hot Chocolate Eyes

Thursday November 19th it is, that means it's my end of the day, brush it away Journal Entry page. I'm going to be, free nobody is the boss of me, I am my OWN GOD, but I serve 1. What are thoughts, but dreams of ones own imagination. I once was lost, but now am found. I feel like I can't express enough the emotions that hide from me, that ones that lie to me, CRYPTIC, the sense of Evil lurking down your back like a large venomous spider.

Girl of my dreams calls fourth, with the similar birthmark we will share after I get this same tattoo on my right arm. Goku's 4 Star ball, one ring to rule them all. I feel like at this moment, this time that there is nothing in the world to write about, but Been without sleep.

I crave you lust, I deserve you, you exist, I will have SEX again. It's all this Demi-God thinks about...well the dark half does, the Child of the Light inside is me. I love.

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