Saturday, December 21, 2013

Blood Robe, Red Moon.

A Royal with cheese is what they call a quarter pounder with Cheese in France, because of the metric system. I learned that from Pulp Fiction. I don't eat oranges, I eat Purples, and I like my Pulp in my in Purples. I represent Heaven and Hell, I'm under a spell. I am Sith, and Jedi. I am the one. I am incredible and I can do amazing things. I can Rule, and be as Royalty if only not but Scene in my head that won't, nay, shouldn't go away. I remember that the heart wants what the heart wants, and it is true for me in that I want to express me. I love myself. I am Godly. I am otherworldly. I am a TYRANT and I am a Bull. Don't misteak my humility for fault. I am Strong. I am LEGEND. I am, and one day will be, Myth.

Oh Christ my King, to the Angels sing, praise Jesus of Nazareth the true King of Kings. God in the flesh, gave us his best, cured rotting flesh, cured the sick, rose the dead. Thank you Jesus Christ, my Amethyst of light, for showing me the direction, teaching me what's right. I live for you King, you died for me, a true brother, FATHER, holy spirit and holy ghost, you are the Ruler of Heaven above and Gaia below. You are my hero, you are the inspiration. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

I learned everything I needed to know about life in Kindergarten, the Golden Rule. Our Lord taught the same thing, [Matthew 7:12] "So Whatever  you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the law of the prophets." That's a quote from Jesus himself, I read the bible, I work on learning the holy book. I am a Lamb, with devils horns and demon wings. I am the Black sheep, with Crimson wings, I am only human. I have learned to go with the flow, it's a much more rewarding life experience.

Don't Choke me Hercules, you squeeze to please, the force with your power, but your wife, the one you murdered was as delicate as flower. I see things, and hear things, and feeling things that I wonder if others experience. Are we getting there? Is telepathy happening right now, in our time. I believe in it, I've seen and felt it. People pass information to me constantly. Soon, we will have full conversations sitting in rooms with all of our friends, and nobody will be moving their mouths. It's an intense feeling, being at the dawn of this period. WE are the babies of a ner Era.

X and Y,  Y and X my twin desires, fate and destiny's infant. Despise the Reptile, for it is with sin, but how can I when the apple tastes so sweet dear Serenity. I don't know what else to think, but to let it go and hope the charges come back. The only God is KNOWLEDGE, and the only Lucifer is IGNORANCE. That is why they say Ignorance is Bliss. Sex with Lucifer, in the form of an Angel of Lust, is magnificent, raw, raunchy, unclean sin. Sex with God is making love, it is unconditional and pure and clean and De-virgin-ising when both Male and Female are losing their Virginity simultaneously, the 69, the Yin Yang. Oh my bi-polar how you split my heart in two.

Athena, my Goddess of Defense, the Shield, brave my inner darkness and lay with me. Aphrodite, don't be Jealous you are my May, my Evergreen, my Emerald, but right now I need the Blue, the White, the holy that is your sister, I need you Persephone I am Hades your GOD. How many apocalypse must there be, before all is destroyed? The Immortal words of Matthew Jessen, I don't give a fuck, you're not worth a buck in my presence bitch. Go out, kill yourself and let me drink the Blood from your wounds, I'm a sick fucking twisted Vampire and you love it. I am in love with December, that Harlot! My whore, my baby, my brunette.

I'm immature, I'm a new Testament Rabi, call me a Prophet and I'll be your guy. All I can say at this point is Goodnight, and New Moon.

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