Monday, December 23, 2013

Lucky Duck; Warrior of Emense Freedom.

In the beginning there was only Black, nothing existed, the absence of Creation. Then Breath happened, and out from where nothing ached, a Bright shiny little light did shine, and her name was Halo, Aphrodite the blonde. She wears on a man's soul, rips tears eats him alive, that's blasphemy, tyranny but we don't scribe, I write these lyrics as it spins threw you, the button Man. What does this mean? It's gibberish now, a different kind of communication of the collective conscience. I feel you pressing through to me to paper, typed on a keyboard lost is the way of handwritten man, he is I, I am he. I am the Ninja for the cross. The white demon. The Emerald King. We here that a lot from you Matthew K.C. Jessen, why do you promote yourself using so many I's? There ware we's she's he's theirs, ours us's etc. You get the point? I do.

I have envy in my heart, I have Empathy I fucked Serenity. I pas through my knowlege because it is important for me to dictate my words, I am soldier, of Peace. I wonder why my word is important, but then they start telling me it is to be written, they the two forces splitting my my mind, that's the physical, where am I? I'm a lost Prohet.

Pokemon Tales:

Ares is my buddy he's the new Charmander I have added to my team.

My next Great Pokemon is Poseidon. He's the team Leader and has been appointed this position for a reason. Introducing the Newly Evolved Fragorok, Poseidon!

My next champion chirp is Eden the baby god of winds.

My next member of team Love would be the Daring Ashes.

Last but not least, my little buttercup Serenity, the Flower fairy Pokemon.

So far my team is located around level 15, keeping the levels Equal and training passionately. As a team me and my Pokemon will catch and defeat them all, we will be the Very best,like no one was before. I should give my team a name. That is all for now from the world of Pokemon.

There once was a man of fire, who walked through the valley of the shadow of death, and lit up the skies as if they were fireworks. That man, was Matthew Jessen. "I would run right through hell and back, if you'd be my girl." he proclaimed to the Angel of the Stars Bella. If only I could find my way, I would no longer be lost. But that's just it, I am not lost, for I have been found in your eyes. You are the reason for my purity, you are the one that blocks out my heart from sadness. You are my Yin, I am your Yang, you cannot pull us apart Destiny. I love all my children, of whom physically are two, and astrologically many.

 I don't belong here, but where then do I belong father? I am a sinner yest, cast out demons yes, but miracles I have yet to perform. I want, I desire, I crave, but I don't know what it is I need. I need not another sign, just some more love from your hefty cup. I am the RAVEN, quote me nevermore, oh no, did I just Edgar Allen Poe. I love you Matthew the angel speaks through me, I love you until the ends of the earth. In response I say, I love you too oh Mother of Purity, you have shown me Mary and she was a glorious women indeed. I wonder why I write, but then I bitch slap myself out of toxicity. I am Matt mother fucking Jessen, gonna lay the smack down on the biblical crowd. 

My Knight my king, doth though cherish everything. That is the Goal is it not, to love and to cherish the things that we've got? Power and lights, lightning and fire, heavens desire , oh no no that place, I'm a Paladin for Christs Sake. Education is power and that's just the name, come over here spitting that's the name of the Game.

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