Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Today's Promt, Kung Fu Panda

Today I started the handwritten Manifesto, basically my gospel, life as according to me. I have 8 books and I hope to one day read them all from beginning to end, my only problem is I don't have bookmakers. I'm gonna make some creatively with Grace, that sounds like a positive idea. I'M WRITING AGAIN!! That is what one with a degree in creative wtiting should be doing! I'm so proud of myself, things I never would have done had I not gone to jail and felt the cruelty of having your freedoms taken away.

They were high atop the castle looking up at the beast.
It's wings black as Satan's heart flapped in the blazing hot sun.
"I will slay you with this Broad sword you fowl beast!"-Shouted Prince Matthew.
"No, wait the princess screamed, don't hurt my love!"
"What are you talking about woman, he's a dragon."
 "You don't understand Matthew, it's a she, and she was my lover." said Princess Serenity.

I love life, I don't think I can say it enough. Sysco you taught me a lot in Jail, got me very much into the flow of loving Christ our ONE TRUE KING. I have decided to blog everynight for the rest of my life, leaving behind an onlie legacy that will love on for my children one day, perhaps they will learn more about the Man that fathered them, even though he hasn't seen them in little while. I know they are kept safe, my Angel ex;s are great mothers. That's the truth, and tomorrow I will send off child support 500 apice and that's 1000 all the moneys I have but it's what I got to do. It's worth it.

Purple, Pleadians, Practice, P-words, Prior, Proper, Planning, Prevents, Piss. poor, performance.
I'm listing to Katy Perry, she loves me uncondtionally... I wish I had that, a faitful girlfriend who would love me unconditionally. I believe the closest I ever felt to that was my time with Ashtin. We had what I thought was it, love, soul mate, ever-after kind of connection, and we let it die. Reminds me of that song "Let her Go" -Passenger.  Anyway that's that, new randomly piced googled image, followed by more online blogging of thoughts.

The Past is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, and today is a gift, that's why it's called the Present.

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