Sunday, December 30, 2012

Happy Milk Daddies

December 29th 2012

Today, like the natives before me I went and I hunted small game like bunnies and pheasants. It was exciting and scary for me, but fun nonetheless. I got to shoot a .22 and a shotgun and I got to get high before and after which is always a plus. Milk daddies play the fool, of the nonchalant beggar, desolating the moon with worship to the glorious magnificent son. I took a nap but woke up deleterious, but my inner child is always deleterious, and always present. Auto correct created the last sentence for me, I did not. I hear an Irish music of sorts blaring in my ear, triumphant sounding good music. I want to be a penguin warrior one day. The falcon falls short of a victory, but the mice have yet to win the war, for the falcon is native and hungry, and will get his prey. I'm getting bored waiting on Hippy and Guinard, but soon they will be here, and soon I will be happy. :)

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Sepia Girls Moon Together

December 28th 2012

Today starts out with a groggy epidermis in the throat. Just kidding, but it's the day I finally get to meet up with a therapist. I want a female, but it's going to be a male named Brandon. I don't really know what to expect, but I still have to call and find out what time it's at. My cat Cleopatra Moonwalker wanted out, but I was too lazy to get up and do it. I think Tim made coffee so I'm excited to have a cup when It's done. I also need to bath in the oceanic waves of Powell's turbulence. Then I'll be sexy and ready to do anything. Well I always am sexy, just not always ready to do anything. Red December, blue December, red December, purple. I hear the coffee pot going drrrr drrrr so I know it's almsot done, and my soul almost escaped my body two times!! Nobody ever blesses me when I sneeze, that's not very nice in the eyes of God I hear. I just got an erection thinking about making love to a pregnant woman, but I can't be thinking those thoughts, the baby isn't mine and this woman seems to like me a lot. This other angel Leviticus is gorgeous but she has yet to message me back, I kind of think she's a fake profile. Oh well, even if she is she is beautiful. If it's persephone up to her trickery, she needs to know that it just won't work, our season has passed, I'm ready for infinity and beyond. 

Don't ask human, don't ask. I'm a being from another planet, that is the being that is me is from another planet. My soul is especially special to be here, in this life, and I don't always do the best for my potential. I need to find a way to balance my charades and reach that delicious pot of golden coin chocolates at the end of the purple magnesium rainbow. Listening to music on you tube, while Leviticus and I exchange introductions. Smiley face. Today is such a beautiful day I'm waiting until Leviticus goes offline, then I'm going to shower. Showering is good.

 I wonder if people love the darkside of my moon, or just the good side, or if they love me entirely for who I am, what I am, how I am, etc. I guess I could ask, but I'm not really that curious. If I said my penis was pounding hard, if I could eat a chocolate ice-cream bar, would you give it to now? I'm pretty sure I have to deficate, fornicate, and urinate all at the same time. I want to be free, free from all of these lovely ladies attentions. Not really. I want my own bat-suit, that would be awesome. One day I will have one, that will be amazing. "That's expensive ass flooring." said my mother with a conversation completely taken out of context. Life is all about waiting, waiting, waiting till something awesome happens. I want a parakeet, that's blue, red, and purple, god please help me. 

Blue, Blue, black yellow red! What do I want to do? I wonder. Love is like a flame, it burns you when it's hot. Thank you Nazareth. Public enemy is ground breaking, they are like the first rappers to be militant. I love smoking cigarettes, they make me happy. Deja Vu Matrix style. Watching a top 100 countdown  of the best artists of all time.I bet Michael Jackson gets number 1. I am really coming into my own lately, growing this self confidence that I never before remember having. I'm trying hard to maintain the balance though, I dont want my confidence to go down Cocky street.I'm wondering what to do again.... I guess I'm going hunting in the morning, that's exciting. I've never been hunting so it should be way fun. Or it could be walking around in the cold for hours and being disappointed by why I find, which could be nothing. Life's too short to try and be normal. 

I'm watching the Doors movie, and it's quite inspirational. I'm seeing a lot of myself in Jim Morrison, that is being creative and writing music.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Heaven Black Bra

December 27th 2012

Today is a new day, a fresh start and good things are coming my way. I get to see my best friend in the whole world Meredith Asay, and then my daughter Grace Kay is coming over to spend the day with me. I haven't been this excited or happy in a while, though I am happy and excited most days lately so that above statement was a lie. I like to eat sausage. Talking to Andromeda is fun, she excites me lol I'm gonna ask her what her astrological sign is, I'm curious. I'm flirting with this amazingly beautiful girl name Pelican, she gets my motor turning, but she is probably half my age, aka she's a high school girl and I have no idea how old she really is. I absolutely adore and love my best friend Meredith Asay, I wish she wasn't with someone, that would be nice.... not that she would go for me, I would like it if she liked me the same way haha.... we kissed once, I've never forgotten how wonderful that was, it was our first and only.... tis a shame really. Turkey dinner was delicious, well turkey lunch really, I like fucking things. But I really want a soul mate, a girl just like me, wild, fun, but faithful and loving...aka Meredith. Oh well, I thought Ashtin and I would be forever and now we're never again. Life is silly that way sometimes.

My stomach hurts, I just ate some turkey maybe that's it. I got to hang out with Trish today it was fun and such a relief to get out of the house. I hate being in the same place all day doing the same thing over and over having nothing better to do than sit on my laptop doing nothing. That suck's but in all actuality it's pretty awesome. Without my time wasted this blog wouldn't exist, and I would literally have nothing to do. Ask and you shall receive! I earlier today I was asking for a soulmate, and thhad a friend request from and extremely beautiful girl. She deleted her facebook recently to start over, so I know we're on the same wave-length about a fresh start, and a new beginning. But we'll see how that goes, there is so much opportunity in life to find the proper mate, I'm just looking forward to getting the milk for free from women lately, I'm not one to commit to anything.

Who, what, where, when, why, how, Questions, and Answers. Good Questions to ask when you're meeting somebody for the first time. Well not Questions and Answers. I'm about to head out to visit my cousin Vader and Tim, I'm excited to do so. Will return later, and probably eat a delicious turkey sandwich. Until then, I want it to be known that I am extremely horny, and when I do see Persephone again, I will fuck her like she's never been fucked before. And then we will just hang out, because I refuse to get back together.  Back for a brief stint, then off to see my aunt Bobby with my cousin Drea. Gaia will be loved and enjoyed. :) Forrest on fire, red moon in the distance screams for the wildlife about to turn sadly to ash. 

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Purple Cat's Vertical Smile

December 26th, 2012

It is exactly 13 minutes passed Christmas, and the Elves are taking their shoes off and celebrating the arrival of the 26th. I sit here and ponder what to do, but then again I always do the same thing anyway, so what does it matter? I find myself bored a lot lately, I'm not sure why. Someone once said that  if your bored, you're a boring person. Typically I agree with this sentiment, but right now with the cold weather and the vagina monsters outside I can't really do much. I'm missing the connection of a man and a woman so much lately, Persephone always had such sweet hands, but she's gone and I feel good about that fact, but when you're bored you reminisce, and when you reminisce you get those feelings that don't make you feel like your true potential. Oh well, one day I will have a NEW spring, and my cock will get off inside of a vagina. 

I hate when things feel UN-organized it drives me bat shit crazy. Well I already am, but more so when things aren't in their place, for example a young anthropomorphic vagina in a wave of dusty tuna and albatross. Bold and Italic switch places for a day, I call that making love. Why is the color purple so amazing to me? I see it everywhere, and think I FUCKING LOVE THAT COLOR. It's the color of Royalty and as future President it would make sense that I be drawn to that magnificent cocoa puff. I want a cigar. I wonder... what if I was born a woman, would I still have a penis? That makes no sense, but if you're anything like me that sentence made you laugh.

Awoken from a slumber of eternal blasphemy, the amethyst warrior fights again. I wonder what it means to be enlightened, I consider that when I'm stoned that's enlightenment. Or maybe we will have powers and never have to shit again, that would be cool. I'm gonna quit shitting cold turkey. Today is an unwritten book, I look forward to experiencing something other than journaling my day!! I want a dog, they are loyal and awesome. I would name him Mufasa because Mufasa represents the circle of life. I'm so excited about my new comedy group World class Comedy. It's going to launch Sexyttam to new heights.  "Love is an Angel  disguised as lust, here in our bedroom until the morning comes." I love music, it's like extacy to my pallet that is used to consuming fecal Matter. What is heaven like? I bet it's a place where there is no hate, and love only truly exists. We can have that here, just have to convince a lot of people.

My Mother says I smoke too many cigarettes, I disagree. I don't smoke enough. Smoking is cool, it's an ancient Native American tradition that dates back to the peace turn that down, you upset the native people. I'm feeling noble and kingly today, I thank my pleadian angels for that. They guide and help me through life with the help of god and Jesus and Buddha. Bitches be crazy, but I love them!! I just made a collage video of compiled footage from old videos, some that nobody has ever seen before, so I'm excited to see what people think. It's pretty funny I think, its a nice transition anyway into my new life, and the new age, new channel, new blog, new v-logs, Aquarius, you're beautiful. I'm so bored, we're listening to music my mother and I as I wait for the new you tube video load. I love my mom, she's a wonderful and strong woman who raised 3 boys while suffering from her mental illness paranoid schizophrenia. I have bi-polar which is nice, I kind of think I have a split personality sometimes, the soft quiet gentle feminine Matt, and the rough loud rude masculine Matt. I like both, but I keep them separate in my head, I often wonder what the world thinks about me.

I'm getting ancy, I get that way when I go without Genesis 1:29. I like to call it lusting Earth, or fucking Mary Jane. I get a good enough fix off of a cigarette too though. :) I met an interestingly beautiful woman on facebook who is with child and likes me... moral lemonade, do I go for it, or not? Idk life is too short to worry about silly little things like that. I wonder ultimately how many people are going to read my blog. It's going to be fascinating to some I'm sure of it. Although at the same time it might weird people out, but I like doing that too. I guess I've always been a weird individual but people love it anyway. I love having a blog, a laptop, my mom, my brother, everyone. It's wonderful. I will never take for granted... I've said that before I'm sure, but I really mean it. I talked to Persephone on the phone for a bit, she was watching star wars and learning the force. I kind of feel like my whole life I have been too feminine, but I love women so much. It's like being a straight gay man, and I don't like feeling like that. I want to be the straight masculine man hero. I can do it. :)

Gonna watch some porn and then masturbate to it. I wonder which video will be the nut, only time will tell. Blowjob porn, that's the answer. Well, midnight is approaching fast, I'm getting tired, so I think this concludes the 26th. Come back tomorrow for the 28th minus one.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Happy Birthday Jesus of Nazareth

~*~{December 25th 2012}~*~

Away with the Sages

~*~{December 24st 2012}~*~

Christmas eve, the day before Jesus Christ's birthday, what

an exciting day. Life is too short not to celebrate these

kind of events with friends and family. I have an awesome

shirt on, and the weather outside is frightful, but the fire

is so delightful, let it snow...wait what? Fuck the snow,

this boy doesn't need a white Christmas, just a white woman

with nice tits and  a tight tasty pussy. Tuna fish

sandwiches for break feast! I wonder what my mind would be

like turned off, hats kind of what a panic attack feels

like, like we are all computers and you start glitching and

start turning off, it's scary! It's like a near death

experience that I would not want to experience again, plus

when I tried to eat a sandwich it was like chewing on

magnets, my mind was fucked up, it was weird. Oh come all ye

faithful, you can have anything that you desire.

Licking Pandora's Box

~*~{December 22nd 2012}~*~

    Woke up this morning to watch 6:59 A.M. kiss itself

and turn into a baby 7. My eyes are blurry and I'm a little

disoriented, wheres my morning cigarette... oh wait first I

must piss out last nights beverage but problem....I have an

erection. Oh well, piss through and clean up the mess later.

I'm walking on piss shine, woooaaa. That was a song. Nothing

too interesting to report yet, but my reporters and spider

Matt senses will get back to you in a minute. Today at

around 9 A.M. they are giving away free shit for poor people

at the old high school Gym and I may go take a look at all

the possible things they have. What a nice community we live

in under the gorgeous Mountains. Powell Truly is gorgeous

when you're driving to it from Cody. I can't imagine a

better place to live, maybe go off and visit foreign lands

but home will always be here in my heart and in my soul. I

said soul, and received a boner. I'm fucking horny, I need

to get me a girl to rub her sexy pussy down my fantastic


    I got free stuff from the old highschool and it was

wonderful. I now have a garfield head pillow and and a

globe, and a wonderful cofee cup haha I am feeling the

happiest I have ever felt in a long time today. I guess I'm

just at peace with myself and my existence. I believe I am

of alien genetics, and we all are. Sun is my god, and the

moon his creation, the planet his creation. I want a Subaru

when I can afford my own car. Diabetic coma, mouth

overloading, shrimp cocktail! I'm not sure what that was

about, I'm not even enjoying a shrimp cocktail.... or am I?

You will never know unless I report it here, the human brain

has a bad time remembering things... think about it, all

that little shit we think about during the day, do we ever

remember that hours, minutes, days later? Hell no, why would

we. Thatch why journalism this is so fantastic, at the end of

the month my minds third eye will be exposed to me and I

will reach Mega-zord status.

~*~{December 23rd 2012}~*~

Fighting Sleep to try and get noticed in the Garden of Eden,

aka a new internet forum that I connected to with Facebook.

This is my change to Blog and get everything I want to say

out and online loll Anyways, it is 3:29 A.M. and I am going

to try and sleep...emphasis on the word try.

Awake from a deep sleep, the Taurus King rejoices for the

new age of Aquarius. I'm pretty happy this morning, I can't

remember my dream, but that's been me lately, though I fear

not because I am living my dreams daily and nightly and over

sideways and rightly. I'm a new Man, and already I've noticed

the grand attention from my family and peers. It's

wonderful, I feel loved, truly loved for the first time

since childhood, and ironically I feel as youthful as a

child as well.

What to do today? I just showered, cleaned myself up,

brushed my teeth, and the world is my oyster. I'm excited to

see what adventures will come my way. I'm bored at the

moment, but life is never dull if you know what to do ^_^ I

may go out and just walk, walking is always fun. You have to

be 35 to be president of the united states, so today I start

my campaign lol

Makes you feel wanted

~*~{December 21st 2012}~*~

    I had a wonderful day today so far with Chaysus and 

my brother Timothy. We went to walmart 
 what a blast. I always enjoy the conversations when

I'm high, they are the deepest and most therapeutic."Be

happy, the alternative sucks." Chay said at one point. How

true that is. The alternative does suck, I hate being sad

and life is too short to feel that way. I've let dumb 

bitches and cunts say fucked up things to me and treat me

like shit and I never deserved that. I am a wonderful strong

human being and I can make it through anything that gets in

my way. I am Matthew Jessen the future king of the free-

world. Weed will be legalized, hell, all natural god given

drugs while I'm at it. I know I have a great destiny and am

going to be a wonderful human being someday. Right now I

just have to train my mind, and my body and take this

amazing gift ass it goes. I enjoy the many beautiful women I

flirt with and maybe one day I will find a mate, but for now

its nice getting the milk from the cow for free LMAO.Moms

making dinner, and I can't wait to try some. Then I'm

probably going to go see my cousin Darth Vader. Knock knock

knock knock there goes the door. It's Kendor the Barbarian,

she is bringing a Christmas gift of some kind its wonderful.

"Sandwiches" she said so maybe we got food! I hate being

poor, but I love eating sandwiches. ^_^ I hope to work for

Cousin Vader and make some money doing that, while I go back

to school for my bachelors. Gonna go to Darth Vaders house,

I'm bored.

    Back from my cousins house and bored out of my

skull. I guess you cant really get bored of your skull

though, so what does that mean exactly? I would figure it

out if I gave a shit. "He's filming his toes and puppets."

My mother said. I say nothing just type and she asks me

questions about Tarpes baby. "Is she in school yet" "Are any

of us in school?" I reply obviously not paying attention to

anything else but her asking me about school. This whole

journal-ing my brain thing is going to be hilarious to look

back on, I might masturbate when I read my words and say "Oh

god that's so Matt." I look forward to to this day...

    Back again from another brain destruction. Adam and

his wife came to visit me, it was swell it seems I am

popular today because now billboard came to worship me as

well. Okay maybe not worship he's actually just hanging with

Tim, my ego inflated and I began an airship of absolute

gravity. I'm pretty sure that nobody's mind works like mine,

yet everyone thinks exactly as I do...ponder that for a

moment while I drag my cigarettes my future eye opened best

friends and family. I'm gonna call this book something about

Matt'z world. Boring are the thoughts of Llamas from my mind,

who dare ever read my words be instantly stricken with aids,

and have to fight for air as their gastro intestinal track

fills with mayonnaise of the undesired one's soul. Wow, I'm

so retarded sometimes, shit gets deep....deep purple....

purple mountain majesty. Le sigh, I am as bored as a turnip

waiting to find its Pokemon life-mate odd-ish. My mother and

I discuss the Big Bang theory, not the theory the hilarious

t.v. show with Sheldon. It's cytoplasmic, and orgasmic ally

hilarious. Typing, Typing, the misfits find their holograms

in their stockings... welcome to the grand illusion bitches.

    Bed time draws near and this first day of days draws

to an interesting close. Persephone called me today, she was

horny she told me, and that she still loves me. Me? I wanna

know what love is, I've been so battered and broken bye

women I'm a Jack Dawson, who has never found a pure Rose to

die for in the cold icy Titanic waters....alas... oh well,

number one rule of life "Bitches Be Crazy." Time to talk to

Aquarius and ask her how her new age is going, I'm pretty

jacked about it myself. Ahh the beautiful  sunflower

girl of my dreams decided to post nice things about me on

Facebook, and this has made me happy. Life is all about

living to be happy for me anymore, why waste any minute of

any day ever feeling sad or scared again. Useless emotions I

believe, I've evolved beyond those into SUPER MATT. The

extended screenplay comes soon. Not really. Well the click

on the dial is saying its 11:46 P.M. meaning this days worth

of gibberish is almost over. I should really go to bed....

in fact if labia a tron gets my penis off, aka internet

porn, then I suppose I can cancel this months addition of

Matt'z Horny Magazine and rest my head peacefully on my

pink zebra cloud pillow. Goodnight!